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The Puffin and Raven Theatre
Birds of a Feather
New York City. Fall of 2002. Sci-fi-Fantasy-dark-comedy lover meets Horror-fantasy-sci-fi lover over tea in an undisclosed independent coffee shop after watching a fantastic cult horror film starring a man with an amazing chin.

"Why isn't more horror done on stage?" asks the Horror-Fantasy-Sci-fi lover, who also happens to be a veteran of the stage. "It's such brilliant, visceral stuff. I want to do that."
"Well then, I think we'll just have to do something about that." replies the Sci-fi-Fantasy-Dark-Comedy lover (who also happens to be in the theatre),
 "on one condition. We do something funny, too."
  "Darkly funny?"
  "Darkly funny, yes, okay. But sometimes just absurd. To balance it out. Fair enough?"
 " I see. Like that time you wanted to watch Looney Tunes after we watched Psycho?"
  "Yes. Call it a palate cleanser."
 " Do you seriously think we could do something that might freak someone out a little bit?"
 "Someone like me, certainly. Someone like you, we'll have to work on it. 
It's a goal."
  "Awesome. When do we start?"
  "What are you doing tomorrow?"

And thus began the theatre company that is The Puffin and the Raven. We are devotees of Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Dark Comedy, and the fun and absurd. Whether it is bringing to light one of our favorite plays, adapting short stories to the stage, or breaking out original work, we strive to engage you, shake you up a bit, and perhaps leave you with a little something to talk about on the way home. Above all, it has to be fun. Since our inception, we are having a blast playing... and we thank you for joining us.

Play On!
Meet the Players
Brandon McCluskey
Literary Director
Horror-Fantasy-Sci-Fi Lover
Lore Davis
Artistic Director
Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Dark-Comedy Lover
Paul Howle
Technical Director
Fantasy-Sci-Fi-Horror Lover
Benjamin Gould 
Actor, Writer, Fight Choreographer 
Sci-Fi Horror Lover